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Running Late? This Sauce Could Save the Day

WHEN I SEE THE TWO NAMES Deborah Madison and Clifford Wright mentioned together, I sit up and pay attention. I still remember being...

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RECIPE: Fresh Cherry Tomatoes with Pasta

Serves 4 (unless you’re carbo-loading for a bike ride and then all bets are off)   WHAT COULD BE SIMPLER than a dish...

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Cherry Tomato Love

  When you grow cherry tomatoes in the garden, very few ever seem to make it into the kitchen for a meal, so...

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Cookbooks I Like: The Very Best of Recipes for Health

A couple of years ago when I first got interested in the traditional Mediterranean diet, I began experimenting with dinners composed of several...

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Eataly Coming to New York: First Look

I WAS WALKING ALONG 24th Street last week and peeked in the window at Eataly, the 50,000-square-foot food hall Mario Batali is opening with...

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RECIPE: Watermelon and Tomato Salad

I WAS SORRY TO HAVE MISSED NEW AMSTERDAM MARKET in NYC this Sunday. The only consolation was that I was actually in farm country enjoying...

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Enough with the Ratatouille. What’s for Dessert?

I’d like to say “a plate of figs” but that’s the kind of answer that apparently can lead to culinary combat. (After taking pot...

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RECIPE: Briami, or Greek Vegetable Casserole

BRIAMI IS ONE OF MANY ratatouille-like dishes found around the Mediterranean, each with its own distinctive taste and slight variations of ingredients. Served with...

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Ratatouille By Any Other Name…

When you talk about a Mediterranean diet, it’s hard to imagine that 20-plus countries bordering one sea could have anything identifiable as a...

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Another Salvo in the Ratatouille Skirmishes

Salon is reigniting the Great Ratatouille Debate. Is it a simple “what-the-hell-are-we-going-to-do-with-all-this-stuff kind of [stew],” as writer Francis Lam puts it (and was...