Purslane, peppers—and peas! [caption id="attachment_1081" align="alignnone"]$3/bunch, from Bodhitree Farm at Union Square[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1082" align="alignnone"]Also from Bodhitree—perfect for making ratatouille (more on that soon).[/caption]...
Basia HellwigJune 12, 2010Strawberries, summer squash... [caption id="attachment_1073" align="alignnone"]Strawberries are down from $7 to $5 a box this week, 2 for $9. The pleasure of eating...
Basia HellwigJune 5, 2010Spring onions, scallions, radishes, greens... [caption id="attachment_1053" align="alignnone"]Young elephant garlic[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1054" align="alignnone"]Scallions—I like to keep a fresh supply handy because they seem...
Basia HellwigMay 21, 2010